Ourlads Football Network

OFN Today with Greg DePalma

Greg DePalma
11/16/2018 9:35AM ET

11/15…Greg DePalma and Teddy Sevransky of Covers.com, preview key games in the NFL this week with analysis and picks; Mark Lane, Houston Texans writer for Texans Wire at USAToday discusses the Texans six-game win streak and how they’re getting it done; and Robert Gagliardi, Mountain West Conference beat writer updates the week’s action…Check out more football coverage below!

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Click here and listen as Greg DePalma previews key games this week in the MAC & AAC and is joined by Ryan Abraham of Pac12Podcast.com for in-depth Pac 12 talk; Scott Engel of RotoExperts.com is also on board to update the latest key fantasy news.